Just like dancing, cooking, painting are examples of different forms of art, networking is also an art which one can easily master by just following some basic networking tips. In present situation, even if meeting new people, striking conversation with them makes you worried leave them behind. As long as you are going to use some of rules or tips which I am going to talk about in this article, you will find it a lot easier to have interesting conversation with people when you meet them. And with the help of these networking tips, slowly and steadily you’ll for sure, be able to build a good network of people for yourself – both professionally as well as at personal level.
First of all, let’s start by looking at some of the common mistakes we all make from time to time, when it comes to talking to people. The reason why we are looking at these negatives is, so that we can identify what wrong we are doing right now. You may find some of them habitual and would have figured them out by now. So simply by noticing them, dropping these habits, you can move a step ahead towards the secret of Networking tips.
Networking Tips – Some Common Mistakes
While we would talk about the networking tips, it’s important to understand where we go wrong in our conversations. The most common mistake we do is “speaking without enthusiasm”. Always remember, if you are talking to people but not putting energy and enthusiasm into the way you speak, then you will definitely come across as a “Boring Speaker” to your listeners. It becomes all the more important in the business world, where deals are just done on the basis of how a person speaks, the way he/she communicates and whether one is able to make the conversation interesting. Sometimes opportunities in business world close up, just because your client doesn’t find you enthusiastic enough to talk. The most basic lesson of “Leadership” also, is to be enthusiastic and engaging enough for your followers.
Second common mistake is “not listening carefully”. When the other person is speaking, one needs to be extra vigilant in listening what other person is saying otherwise your conversations would be damn boring. Beware of the postural changes, altered facial expressions; these are few things that you really need to be looking out for.
Another cause of “Bad Networking” is failing to share one’s own personal opinion and interests in front of others. Also failing to talk what is interesting to you, is a start-up point for failed networks. If you don’t do that, you make it more difficult for others to know you. In a way, you are making it harder for them to get involved and engaged in the conversation.
The most fatal one, is getting stuck into a common day to day routine, that starts to grind you down and makes you start feeling that life is boring. If you start to feel like that, it will come across in your conversations. To avoid this one should practice routine management, try out some or the other new thing every now and then, so that you don’t stuck up to the same monotonous routine.
There are few more “Not to be avoided” networking tips. The first one is “hoping that other person will rescue you if the conversation grinds to a halt”. In this situation, instead of taking a backseat one should be proactive enough to take charge and take the conversation in a new direction. If you have a fear that you are going to bore people, that negative thought is going to effect on how you communicate as its going to make you nervous, make you tense and could even make your mind go blank because you are trying to second guess yourself. So, don’t be afraid at all.
The last common mistake is, having a narrow focus in your interest levels. In this case you won’t be able to talk much when you meet people, so I encourage you to actively stay in ground and get interested in more and more issue that you can talk about- be it technology or news around, business updates –anything, but just be aware of everything; that’s one of the most crucial networking tips in this case.
Improving through “Networking Tips”
Now let’s move along to some of the positive actions we can take by executing the tools of networking and networking tips. What I would like you to do is develop on active curiosity for life, feel that life is interesting and, allow people to be interested. If you take on this new attitude, you will find yourself a lot more excited, when you meet people and a lot more enthusiastic in learning about them and learning about what they are interested in. Just this small shift in the way how you think will bring big differences in your conversations.
Finding out what excites people, is just like finding out what gets this person going, what is he passionate about, be a detective, go and find out and you will have a really great conversation. This can be extremely helpful technique in business management. It would help you know your clients interest points and will set you going.
Look For What’s Important To Other People
Another key point is to explore what’s new in the world. Look around you, what’s new on your home life, what’s new at work, what’s new at your community, always keep looking for what’s going on, always keep looking for what’s new and interesting and you will have a lot more to talk about and you will be a lot more excited when you talk about it.
Finally, look out for what you have in common, the values and beliefs. Look for what’s important to other people and what they are interested in and what they focus on.
You’ll realize with time, that networking tips are not a consulting magic spell, instead these are some “Simple Basic Rules”– Rules to be followed religiously to be a good networker. These small – small networking tips, if one is able to practice in daily social life, then he/she would definitely stay miles ahead of others in the life run.
In the last would just say “It is just a change in attitude, you look for the things and you start finding it”.
By Tarun Gupta
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