To be successful in networking, one must know the secret of good social conversations, which in turn lies in network marketing tips. The first one is, there has to be a perfect balance between knowledge and humor. Only knowledge is like a food without spices. Just like the spices become a necessary and an essential ingredient to make food sumptuous and palatable, in the same way humor is irreplaceable, in order to build successful networks.
Many a times we feel boxed in from all the sides, with no doors to escape. Even in this situation, a light humor works well to end this nightmare, even though momentarily. You must have yourself noticed that you subconsciously lean towards people who have a knack of good and light hearted sense of humor. They tend to rejuvenate you and de-stress you bringing in new ideas and value to the conversation. You are swayed by their exuberance.
Humor – One Of The Greatest Network Marketing Tips And Is In Itself A Great Tool For Marketer
But can humor ever be taken seriously? Should humor be quintessential part of the serious business affairs? Suppose you are a marketing guy, would humor also help you in this situation? Would humor as a tool help a marketer in getting connected with his customers? The answer is definitely yes. A marketer can use this as a “Bramhastra” at different customer touch points. It can be used a strategic tool in Internet Marketing and Mobile Marketing in specific.
Humor As One Of The Greatest Network Marketing Tips Act As A Tool For Great Orators As Well
I would like to take you back to the era of great orators with the likes of Ronald Reagen, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln or the matter of fact Shri Pandit Nehru who moved the world with their power of speech. All these great leaders were orators par excellence. These legendary figures in their orchestrated speeches used a subtle combination of high decibel emotions delicately balanced by snippets of humor spread evenly throughout the script. They provided intellectual stimulation as well as sheer entertainment and extensively used humor as a media marketing strategy to engage their listeners.
Their unrivaled mastery of language tinged with wits, touched and entertained people across the geographies. They exercised a profound influence and well truly inspired millions across the Globe. Even, top bloggers nowadays, follow this secret of Network Marketing, in order to build a strong connect with their audience and to make their presence felt in social media space. The use punches to convey even a simple message in order to sound interesting to their listeners – example one of the Best usage of network marketing tips in real life.
Now days many contemporary political leaders, business speakers, social activists are judiciously imitating their style. The lessons of history are available to them. They are at times using humor as a prime tool to deliver their message to the audience. Humor is slowly yet steadily finding its footing into the speech art forms.
I think, plain enough, humor makes individuals, lovable personalities who carry with them an inexplicable charm which endears them to all. Edges of their normal conversation are often sharpened by humor.
The More People Laugh With You Or Feel Light With You The More They Will Stick With You
But few will disagree, the ability to entertain and make others laugh with you is a difficult task but in a sense it is a sure shot recipe for social success. The more people laugh with you or feel light with you the more they will stick with you. The relationships will become inseparable.
You must have noticed on your own that witty individuals are always on the spotlight and become the centre of attraction and they are frequently invited to the parties and gathering while so called dull individuals are often ignored.
Undoubtedly not all individuals can be born witty. It is an art. Also if doesn’t come naturally you cannot change yourself with a drop of a hat. It has to be arduously practiced which is generally preceded by right intention. You can acquire this art with self indulgence in constant innovativeness and creativity
Network Marketing Tips – Strategies For Social Success Through The Touch Of Humor:
1. Avoid stale mandates and repetitive conversations
2. Plan the timing of the jokes – carefully analyze the mood of the occasion
3. Observer large and small things and try to extract humor out of each situation
4. Be brave to experiment – Put aside you EGO
5. Be prepared to get mocked as post delivery of humor expect the unexpected
6. Practice for well tutored and disciplined humor
7. Avoid taking others for granted – Refrain from being very liberal and avoid getting personal
8. Read as widely as you can to support your humor with some facts and figure
2. Plan the timing of the jokes – carefully analyze the mood of the occasion
3. Observer large and small things and try to extract humor out of each situation
4. Be brave to experiment – Put aside you EGO
5. Be prepared to get mocked as post delivery of humor expect the unexpected
6. Practice for well tutored and disciplined humor
7. Avoid taking others for granted – Refrain from being very liberal and avoid getting personal
8. Read as widely as you can to support your humor with some facts and figure
Use humor as a fulcrum of all network marketing tips to tackle the mundane and gloss over the ugly wounds of the world. Have a promising journey ahead towards personal development and make inroads into people hearts through right humor.
By Tarun Gupta
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